Book Review: Rationale-Based Software Engineering

Janet Burge, John Carroll, Raymond McCall, Ivan Mistrik
Springer, 2008

ISBN: 354077582X

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This is an elegantly-produced, and remarkably clearly-written academic book. It is not cluttered up with references, and it states the arguments for each point plainly and directly. It has something of the feel of an edited collection of chapters, but rather better integrated, which is what one should perhaps expect from a book with four authors. It follows a similarly-titled book Rationale Management in Software Engineering (Dutoit et al, Springer, 2006) on which McCall and Mistrik were co-authors.

A journalist could, one suspects, make quite a good living by documenting all the occasions on which a textbook mentions the software crisis, Fred Brooks' Mythical Man-Month, and (if the writer has an industrial slant) the Chaos Report of 1994 that seemed to claim that almost half of all software projects failed, and then proposing yet another solution to all the world's ills. The Preface to Burge et al is no exception. Their solution:

"The most obvious approach, and quite likely the most powerful, is to explicitly describe and justify the design, implementation, and use of software systems, and to do this routinely, iteratively, and regularly throughout the software development process. We call this ..." (the title of the book follows).

Well, the sky may just fall in first, and the mountains will have been washed into the sea by untold trillions of raindrops over geological ages, before everyone in industry patiently documents and justifies every minor design change. 

The book is neatly structured into 4 parts.

The overall effect is of a cool, dispassionate account of how, in theory, rationale ought to be useful, and if so in what ways. There are no practical illustrations (in text or graphics) of how it would actually work, nor are there any case histories from industry showing how it did in fact work. It feels instead as if the authors are trying to persuade someone (maybe themselves?) that rationale is really an awfully good idea, if only anyone would listen and take their advice.

I guess I was hoping for a lot more from this book: it is an interesting and provocative title, after all, and there is, ahem, a case to be made for it. Unfortunately, there is no mention of the one area of industry where rationale is in daily use - Safety Engineering. (In fact I made exactly this remark in a review of another book from the Rationale research community, Kirschner et al's Visualizing Argumentation, back in 2003, so nothing has changed.) The community seems consistently unaware of relevant work both in related areas of research, such as safety argumentation, and in industrial practice (and tooling). The day when it wakes up and takes notice of real uses of rationale will mark a major step forward in bridging the gap between the ivory tower and the real world.

Rationale does have a place in software or rather systems engineering - for it is in hardware/software embedded systems work that rationale finds much of its practical use. Requirements analysts create thousands of traces every day to justify requirements by satisfaction of higher-level system goals (though they call them requirements); they write thousands of justification texts as requirement attributes to explain the reason for specified features; and they build complex risk models, list assumptions, and add dictionary terms all as part of long-term efforts to show that systems will work reliably and safely. But all of this good solid rationale-based systems engineering work passes the authors by.

Researchers who want a well-thought out overview of what rationale could or should do, and what openings there might be for research in the area, will find this a helpful and good introduction to the field. Industrialists should look elsewhere. My forthcoming book on Discovering Requirements includes a whole chapter on Rationale.

(c) Ian Alexander, 2008